Winnie: The True Story of the Bear Who Inspired Winnie-the-Pooh

Walker, Sally M.

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Grand Canyon Reader Award, New York State Reading Association's Charlotte Award, Monarch Award, Red Clover Book Award, Beehive Book Award, The Monarch Award, Golden Sower Award
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Product Overview

Who could care for a bear? When Harry Colebourn saw a baby bear for sale at the train station, he knew he could care for it. Harry was a veterinarian. But he was also a soldier in training for World War I. Harry named the bear Winnie, short for Winnipeg, his company's home town, and he brought her along to the training camp in England. Winnie followed Harry everywhere and slept under his cot every night. Before long, she became the regiment's much-loved mascot. But who could care for the bear when Harry had to go to the battleground in France? Harry found just the right place for Winnie while he was away -- the London Zoo. There a little boy named Christopher Robin came along and played with Winnie -- he could care for this bear too!


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