Remember when monthly book club flyers (you know, the ones printed like colorful little newspapers) had books in them? No spy rings or necklaces… No prank kits or electronics. Just good, high quality, interesting books.
We believe all books have value—even the ones with spy rings and necklaces—we just think there should be an alternative for those who want better for kids. Classroom Connections brings the wide world of the Blue Ribbon Awards Collection to your classroom, presenting the first real alternative to commercial book clubs in years.
Here’s the scoop on Classroom Connections:
- Comprehensive Planning Kit with reading level conversion charts, book follow up question guide, reproducible handouts, reading time conversion tool, customizable curriculum and much more.
- Recommended Books you don’t have to apologize to your families for. All books are award nominees.
- No toys, no breakage, no hassle.
- Variety of age ranges to pick from.
- Customization for your classroom. (You can pick the titles or use one of our pre-made lists)
- Great rewards for your classroom + discounts on classroom sets.
Classroom Connections - not too good to be true, just long overdue! Signing up costs you nothing and there are no obligations to purchase anything. Please contact us today to get started right away.