Readola Virtual Book Fair - Getting Started
•With your Book Fair Kick Off email, you should have received send home letters with customized dates and your school’s specific code number. Make sure to send that to everyone via email, school electronic bulletin board, alumni, boosters, local community organizations and anyone who wants your students to succeed at reading.
•Suggest that students get their Lexile assessment. Lexile assessment isn’t required for participation, but this gives families a great place to start. More details can be found in the Teaching Tools section.
•Hold your teacher kick off meeting at breakfast or lunch. Make sure to explain that they can create an classroom specific wishlist – their classroom Reading Roadmap. Introduce the Books on Tour Challenge – encourage each classroom to have kids read a book from each state.
•Remember, these are all award nominated books that teachers can feel good about promoting to their students and families. To review our selection process, please review The Blue Ribbon Awards Collection section of the website.
•Suggest some titles that have video trailers and have your classroom teachers show those videos during class free time.
Keep the Momentum Rolling
•Check in with students and teachers. How are they doing with the Books on Tour Challenge for their classroom?
•Can the principal make daily announcements reminding everyone about the book fair?
•Teachers are great at book talks, even via Zoom! Can a couple of teachers commit to a virtual book talk for everyone?
•Let’s do some giveaways! Do a drawing a day for Readola gift certificates.
•Highlight the different categories. Have the students checked out the STEM section? Graphic Novels? Non-fiction?
•Use your social media pages. Ask adults to send links to the book fair and make sure to include the code number. Include information about the Donation Portal so everyone knows how they can support the book fair.
•Do something fun with the Donation Dog Thank You Certificates as students bring them back to class. Post them on the bulletin board, hang them in the hallway or cafeteria!
Suggestions for Getting the Word Out
•Can the principal make daily announcements reminding everyone about the book fair? Don’t forgot a school website link and Friday Folders!
•Teachers are great at book talks, even via Zoom! Can a couple of teachers commit to a virtual book talk for everyone?
•Let’s do some giveaways! Do a drawing a day for Readola gift certificates.
•Highlight the different categories. Have the students checked out the STEM section? Graphic Novels? Non-fiction?
Super Tip: Spread the word via Social Media. Remind everyone that a great way to encourage kids to read is to buy them a gift certificate or make a donation to the book fair!
The Final Countdown...
•As the days wind down, remind everyone the benefits Check in with students and teachers. How are they doing with the Books on Tour Challenge for their classroom?
•Promote that students send their Reading Roadmaps to family and friends. Don’t forget, Gift Certificates never expire with Readola. Students can continue to select award nominated books all year. Plus, as they move up in reading level, they can purchase books in the next level up.
•Speaking of Gift Certificates, teachers should share their personal Reading Roadmaps (Find instructions for sharing Reading Roadmaps on the website). Parents love to purchase Teacher Wishlist books – give them a chance to help!
•Reminder: suggest to students they look for books in the level above and below where they assess.
Super Tip: Check out Curriculum Corner in the Teaching Tools section. You’ll find lesson plans and Curriculum units to tie in books from the book fair! Ask supporters for their support to purchase class sets.
Does it Have to End?
•The time has flown by. But don’t worry, the fun doesn’t have to stop here. The special promotional time has ended, but you can continue the great work you’ve started. With a simple monthly reminder your school can continue to promote the best in children’s literature.
•Teachers who choose to participate can select new titles every month to distribute via their Reading Roadmaps. We call it Classroom Connections – the healthy alternative to sugary monthly book flyers!
•Did you tell the teachers about Curriculum Corner, featuring lesson plans and units available for them to use in conjunction with Readola?
•Here come the books! We’ve collated the orders and sorted them by teacher for you. Just hand out the classroom packets!
Well, That's It!
•You’ve got your books distributed and everything is settled. Readola will send you a final total (adjusted for any returns) and a statement of Readola Rewards.
•You can spend Readola Rewards all at once, or choose to keep some.
•Some schools choose to spread Readola Rewards among various teachers or departments. No problem, just let us know how you’d like that credit assigned.
•How did it go? Ready to do another Readola Virtual Book Fair next season? Let us know right away so we can reserve your spot!
•Thanks for all your hard work!