More Scrawny than Brawny (Caveboy)

Reynolds, Aaron

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Product Overview

His grandpa invented fire. His dad invented the wheel. How will Caveboy Dave leave his mark?

Dave Unga-Bunga has always been more scrawny than brawny. This is a major problem when your village expects you to become a meat-bringer. At age twelve, all young cave-people must stalk through the eerie mushroom forests for a prehistoric beast the village can feast on. But Dave would much rather invent stuff for a better life—like underwear to make loincloths less itchy and cutlery to make eating less filthy. Can Dave save his group by inventing the perfect defense against a bloodthirsty pokeyhorn? Or will he MEET HIS DOOM?  

First in a new series, More Scrawny Than Brawny delivers irresistible characters, big thrills, and even bigger laughs. 

"Imagine a prehistoric version of Wimpy Kid meets Captain Underpants."
Boys' Life


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